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tv   KTVU 6 O Clock News  FOX  March 28, 2013 6:00pm-6:30pm PDT

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♪ i want a weed free season, that's how i roll ♪ ♪ so i reach for roundup extended control ♪ ♪ with the all-new, no pump, one-touch wand ♪ ♪ it kills weeds dead and keeps weeds gone ♪ [ whip cracks ] ♪ roundup extended control ♪ i just spray them weeds, then spray them cracks ♪ ♪ the weeds are gone, and they won't be back ♪ ♪ driveway, patio, i just spray once ♪ ♪ and it's adios weeds for up to four sweet months ♪ [ whip cracks ] ♪ roundup extended control
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[ male announcer ] roundup extended control ♪ yeha with the new one-touch wand. [ whip cracks ] complete bay area news coverage starts right now, this is ktvu channel 2 news at 6:00 p.m. i am really angry about this. i am sickened. i am appalled. >> that was an angry police chief, detailing a shooting this afternoon that wounded a one-year-old boy. hello. i am gasia mikalian. >> and i am frank somerville. >> we are learning more about the shooting and we just spoke to the father of the baby at the hospital. ktvu's john fowler is live now with what the father is saying
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about his baby's son's condition. >> the police chief here has more than doubled the usual reward to $25,000. it happened after 1:00 p.m. at first and mcdonald. a gunman ambushed a bicyclistesh bicyclist -- bicyclist, firing more than 100 shots. jar n injuring -- ininjurying the baby -- injuring the baby. we spoke with the baby's father. >> i feel bad for kids who get shot. i am lucky, my son is still alive. >> my mom was inside watching him. like i said, my girlfriend came home, shots fired, my mom grabbed him. ran into the kitchen. i don't know what happened.
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>> reporter: his son was injured in the neck and just got out of surgery. the shooting angered the police chief. >> when an incident like this happens it is beyond sickening. we have made incredible progress in dealing with this kind of violence. >> reporter: he said he will spare no expense to track down the shooter. i spoke with the grandfather who was holding the boy, he says he is asking god to forgive the shooter and for everyone with guns to put them down. that gun violence solves nothing, only injured. in this case another innocent child. health and science editor john fowler ktvu channel 2 news. a fatal accident on interstate 80 closed the freeway. snarling traffic for hours. it started at 10:30 a.m. this morning when a driver lost
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control. you see the rig on fire. the california highway patrol describes what happened. >> he was eating at the time he was driving and started choking. lost consciousness and his rig came across the lanes. >> the truck hit two cars traveling eastbound and hit a bmw. the two people in the car died. eastbound lanes reopened before 1:00 p.m. and westbound lanes were cleared 40 minutes ago -- 40 minutes ago. two people involved in the officer involved shooting shooting -- shooting yesterday have a history of violence. a suspect tried to run down a police officer. the officer fired at the driver and she was a wanted felon and the passengers was wanted on a warrant. >> san jose was once declared the safest big city in the
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country. now car thefts there are sky rucking. -- rocketing. ktvu's matt keller spoke to a city counsel men who knows why the thefts are on the rise. >> reporter: last year we saw the most vehicle thefts on record here in san jose and this year started off worse. >> reporter: leaving your vehicle parked in san jose is a risky thing to do. >> i ran out of gas. pulled ov. i had to balk -- pulled over. i had to walk to a phone, came back and it was gone. >> reporter: more and more people are feeling that way. statistics released by the police department revealed how bad it is getting. 934 cars stolen in january. a 53% increase compared to last year. break that down, one car is stolen every hour. one city counselman believes it is on the rise is because of the realignment of the prison
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system. >> we are having our issues with folks coming out into the area. >> more officers can help, with the crimes in san jose, not just vehicle thefts. >> reporter: police say the auto theft detail ended a year ago. but car theft victims say putting the numbers into reverse should be a priority. >> horrible. people work hard to keep everything above water and to come outside and have your car stolen, there has to be something done about it. >> reporter: police say older model hondas and toyotas are popular. reporting live in san jose, matt keller, ktvu channel 2 news. president obama today met with family whose lost loved ones to gun violence as part of his effort for more gun
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control. >> enough is enough. time to act is now. >> some of those were parents of those killed in the sandy hook elementary school shooting. there has been resistance to president obama's gun control proposal. they are asking for background checks for all gun sales. >> none of these ideas should be controversial. who wouldn't we want to close the loophole that allows 40% of all gun purchases to take place without a background checks. >> 90% of americans support background checks. critics say it would infringe on second amendment rights. in the bay area a march for more gun control just got underway. ktvu's jade hernandez is live to tell us who is taking part.
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jade? >> reporter: i can tell you 50 people have already started to march. we were at middle field and university and we just started marching. herelive because -- we are here live because marchers want to show their support to reduce gun violence. hundreds of events are planned across the country. one reason, congress will vote on measures to increase penalties for people who illegal sell guns. the marchers have signs, freedom from gun violence. parents call on congress to protect children, not guns. this group that responsered the e-- sponsored the event held a candlelight vigil in support of reducing gun violence. he told us why they are here
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tonight. >> 92% of americans support universal background checks. we want to make sure that washington hears that voice. >> reporter: the nra tweeted a response to today's action and president obama's push. one of the tweets said the economy is weak, the national debt is mounting and too many americans are out of work. president obama's campaign against guns. this is one of their responses. back out here live. we are matching to the plaza. this was planned at 5:30 p.m. 50 people joined the march and these marchers and other rally goers expect to meet another group of people just a few blocks away. right here in palo alto. reporting live, jade hernandez, ktvu channel 2 news. new figures from the labor department, jobless claims
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jumped. 357,000 people filed new claims. that is up 16,000 from the week before. despite two weeks of increases the number of initial claims remains in the range that indicates that it is still growing. stocks edged higher today, the dow and the nasdaq saw gains and the s&p rose 6 points to close above its record high that was reached in october of 2007. two bay area lawmakers are taking over seas trips paid for by outside groups. she is in taiwan with lawmakers. it is paid for. he is on a trip to poland that is funded. travel gifts are legal as long as there is a governmental
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purpose but some raise questions about outside influence. new tonight at 6:00 p.m., caltrans announced the new tunnels will be closed days after their debut. traffic was allowed through tuesday. now they say crews will create traffic control as they conduct lane striping friday. 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., drivers should expect delays. a new all electric car from mercedes and tesla is set to hit the market next year. the mercedes has a drive train and battery back co-developed by tesla. 60 miles after a two hour charge with a 7 hour charge, 115 miles. pair of inventors came to the research center to announce their plans to fly across the
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united states in a solar powered plane that you are looking at here. the solar impulse has the wingspan of a jumbo jet and carries 12,000 solar panels. it will start in san francisco in may and it will take several months to across the country. it crews at -- cruises at 40 miles per hour. researchers said they created a living computer. they found a way to store and transmit data by manipulating dna inside cells. that could lead to ways to treat disease. live storm tracker 2, showing green. this is a sign of things to come. a weather system heading our way and which part of your weekend could be wet. >> yosemite national park is
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about to unveil their new tents after the hantavirus outbreak, the latest on the hantavirus situation. hello. hello? the words are going this way-there's no way. oh, the lights came on. isn't technology supposed to make life easier? at chase we're pioneering innovations that make banking simple.
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police are trying to identify a woman whose body was found this morning of the the body was discovered at 7:15 a.m. they are treating it as an unattended death. to san francisco where an investigation is underway after a body was found off ocean beach this morning. it was discovered near the great highway before 7:30 a.m. the person was face down in the water. they are working to identify the body and determine what led up to the death. union workers for southwest airlines set up a informational
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picket around the country. including oakland. >> members of the union are frustrated they have been working without a contract since july. one of their concerns is a change by management to using part time employees. >> they don't have the concern and care for the customers. you will have a negative impact on the customers that impacts our jobs. >> southwest had no public comment on the issue of temporary workers what they are anxious to continue negotiating. season chavez was hahn -- cisar chavez was honored today in san jose. >> the students walked to the mexico heritage plaza. this is the 20th year they held
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the march. cisar chavez day will be observed monday. paying property taxes became more convenience for some. you can use your iphone or ipad. the app is available on itunes and you can use their website. the second installment is due by april 10. the chp is helping up -- the california highway patrol is offering a free class to help seniors improve their driving skills, refresh their knowledge of rules and learn thew adjustment to -- learn how to adjustment to changes. ribbon cutting ceremonies mark the san francisco's newest fire station. station 1 is now open for business between 5th and 6th street. the old station needed millions of dollars of repairs.
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their neighborhood wanted the land to expand so they paid for the new station. it is the first new fire station in 40 years. months after a hantavirus outbreak at yosemite national park officials gave us a look at the new village. new tonight at 6:00 p.m. ktvu's robert handa is live inside the park where he was showed some of the changes made. robert? >> reporter: despite the weather right now thousands of people will soon be coming into yosemite for spring break. rangers are anxious to let people know the hantavirus scare is now behind them. >> reporter: the village was ground zero in the fight against the outbreak of hantavirus in yosemite national park. three people died and 10 visitors got ill after staying in the tent cabins that were
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destroyed. some campers arriving today seemed reassured. >> since they mentioned hantavirus, i felt like they are not trying to hide it. >> come on in. >> reporter: we got one of the first looks inside the new cabins. 50 will be available starting monday, april 1. the hantavirus outbreak was caused by human contact with feces or body fluid by infected deer mice. the top priority in the new design, no rodent pathways. >> quarter inch is all they need to get in. we have done lot of grading around the tents to make sure they are excluded. work around the doors and the footings. >> reporter: it is not contagious from human to human. it led to voluntary testing of
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600 park employees. >> less than 1% showed exposure to hantavirus. >> i am not going to worry about it. >> reporter: rangers say the thousands of visitors that arrive tomorrow will get updated information on the hantavirus situation. all 91 cappens will be ready -- cabins will be ready by may 1. robert handa, ktvu channel 2 news. the snow pack was taken today and it wasn't good. officials trekked out to took several samples. not much snow has fallen since the last survey. their verdict, it is half of normal. the state is urging conservation. >> out of the ag users, already been put on notice they will be cut back. >> if there is one positive, reservoirs are in good shape
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and should meet this year's needs. new poll released today find 82% of those surveyed believe climate change is happening. 75% said rising sea levels caused by climate change is a serious problem. 62% favored stricter building colds and 3-5 said they want those who are effected by rising seas to pay for protection rather than all taxpayers. turned into a nice day today. south bay, valley. we had temperatures into the low 70s. 73 was the high in san jose. beautiful shot as you look up into the hills. you see clouds. they could deposit rain. they have been north of the area. into the afternoon hours.
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today, 68 napa. 68 concord. look that warm spots. antioch, fairfield, 70 degrees. nice day. more of the same. clouds, and a chance of a sprinkle. slight chance tomorrow but main event is saturday into sunday. this weather system back here is going to get together and push through the bay area saturday afternoon into sunday and that is our best shot for showers. you got stuff in the foot hills, for us we have been dry. since this morning. tonight, maybe a spray sprinkle. tomorrow warmer. mid-70s. upper 70s in some locations. then as soon as it gets nice it deteriorates. clouds on saturday afternoon. highs, 70s and 80s. we will see if that happens in morgan hill. it will be warm tomorrow.
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you see the clouds clear away. 11:00 a.m. and then you see clouds in the evening, come back. here is saturday. there is the clouds. saturday morning, here it comes. boom, there is the rain. saturday afternoon, late into the early evening hours. over night saturday, into sunday morning. so that is how your sunday morning goes. more scattered showers as we head into sunday afternoon. that is how it looks now. real event over the bay area weekend. maybe a half inch of rain. saturday looks like a doable day. if you have relatives in town sunday and you want to do outdoor stuff, i think there will be showers in the area. five-day forecast with your bay area weekend in view, most of the rain is saturday night into sunday. tomorrow looks like a nice day. >> umbrella for sunday. >> not going to be the perfect weather. >> thank you. coming up on bay area news
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at 7:00 on tv 36. new fall out at the port of oakland. >> new spending limits at the port of oakland. we will have details. >> and the retirement rumor that has some buzzing. join us for these stories and more on bay area news at 7:00 on tv 36. why businesses are looking forward to even more visitors this year.
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tourist visiting san francisco left more than their hearts last year. according to figures, those visitors spent $24 million a day on average. the total take from visitors in 2012 was $9 billion. up 5-1/2% and this year they are looking for another boost from spectators coming to see the america's cup. fred inglis in for mark ibanez. there are tourists at at&t park tonight. >> absolutely. exhibition baseball. bay bridge series. boys are back in town. boys are back in town.
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from both sides. both sides feeling good about themselves as they make final roster decisions. giants feel so good they announced the manager and general manager received three year extensions. nobody could be more excited about the season than brandon belt. all he did this spring, 8 home runs, 19 runs batted in in 2000 games. >> the second half of the season the confidence i gained, knowing i could over come adversity when needed. bringing the confidence into the season and the consistency. you got to remember this is a competitive league and you could lose your spot at any time. i try to keep that in mind. i am competitive and bringing out the best baseball possible. >> he fought the law and the law won today in new york. he was in new york to promote
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his championship bout. he presented a locked gun box with a ticket agent. he has a california gun license but that means nothing in new york where it is a felony. he was charged and released. this is not the kind of legal distraction he needs as he prepares for the fight of his life. the sharks hosting the red wings tonight. highlights tonight and we will have the a's and giants as well. >> wouldn't that be something to see him win. >> you know what, i am not going to bet against that guy. >> i think he is excellent. >> thank you. at 10:00 p.m. a study links birth defects to something we encounter every day, what researchers learned. >> and thank you for trusting ktvu channel 2 news, we are always here for you on and


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